It was also the day to drop off my chinchilla at my parent's house for the week. She does not like strangers or commotion so it will be easier on her to not be in our apartment when the movers come this weekend. I got her situated and then we headed over to my house to paint.

We started with the master bedroom. The paint we had picked out for the room was a very light grey color to give some color to the room without making it too dark. The room is only 12' by 12' so we definitely don't want to make the room appear smaller.
Dad taped off the room, I grabbed the edger, and mom went at it with the paint roller. The paint went on a little bit bluer than I had originally planned but as it covered more of the room it evened out. When it was finished I was completely in love with our bedroom. It was light and fresh and calming all at once. I love it and couldn't wait to show Scott.

Next up was the chinchilla room which will also double as my sewing room. The color for that room was named Honey Sand. Mom put the first roll on the wall and we both looked at it and thought "um...this one may be changing". It was still a neutral beige color but a slightly different color than the current wall color, so it cast a very weird shadow. Alright, let's finish and see how it looks. Once again, I'm in love. The color is this beautiful warm honey color and brightened up the room immensely. It was a beautiful neutral pallete for a room that will be filled with colorful fabrics and various sewing patterns.

Due to a lack of rollers (and a frustrated father who needed to make a Home Depot run) we decided to give the kitchen a spin. The strange pea..camo green was going away, and a beautiful bright blue was taking its place. We also tried painting the top the same Honey Sand to give above the cabinets a bit of a neutral color, as the dining room was also going to be a dark blue. We will see how that turns out after being in the space for a while.

Last but not least, the nursery/guest room. We went with a blue-green color which I was very happy with. It made the room bright and cheerful without being too Easter egg pastel or over-powering.
A very long Saturday, but a very good one.