Summer is so close I can almost taste it! Just 7 more work days stand between me and getting to spend my days with Kaylee. It also means no more waking up at 5:30 so I can pump before work. Oh, and it means no more pumping! Woohoo! I survived the school year and managed to pump and keep my baby on breastmilk!
So what am I going to do this summer?
1) Swim lessons for Bug. I'm excited about the prospect to meet new mom friends, but also terrified. I get very anxious in social situations when I don't know people and so starting new classes is deathly terrifying. Add to this the fact I will have to be in a bathing suit, and we have instant panic. But I will do it.
2) Project "Clean the house". Yes, our house looks like it has an infant in it. My hope is that I can go through the house, room by room, and finish all of the projects that are half started. I will purge our crap/clutter/unneeded stress in the process and make our house wonderful. I fully plan on this taking the entire summer to achieve.
My thought is that I will make a post with the room of the week, and include a picture of that room as it currently is, no matter how messy. Then at the end of the week I will post a follow up picture. The thought/hope is that the second picture will be much better than the first. I'm also hoping that seeing my house/rooms through the eyes of the camera will inspire me to try just a tad harder at being neat and tidy.
Kaylee has grown so much, it is incredible. She is now 10 1/2 months old and a little animated mini toddler. She has perfected speed crawling, standing, cruising, and grabbing anything that her little hands should not grab.