Let me tell you, if you want to feel old, work at a high school. Not only am I a decade older than all of our students now, but I am also 5 years older than most of our new teachers! That may not seem like a lot, but when they start talking about social media or their lifestyle (you mean people actually do things other than sleep on Friday night?) the gap feels much wider.
So...I am going to joyfully start my last year in my twenties. Let me tell you, it has been one heck of a decade! Let's take a trip down memory lane
I started my twenties in college, turned 21 (now that was a night to remember, and I do...remember it that is. Unlike several of my partners in crime who don't remember much of it, but I digress).
At 23 I started working at PetSmart, the company which would
At 25 I got married. Yay marriage!
At 26 I finally got pregnant. Yay pregnant! (No, seriously. I loved being pregnant. Besides the threatened miscarriages during first tri and the gestational diabetes it was incredible. I never hit the wall of not wanting to be pregnant, and will always remember it fondly)
At 27 I had a kid (and was able to pull of the med-free birth I had been planning. Woohoo!)
At 28 I published my first novel. (Heard of it? The Lady of Steinbrekka? No? Go check out my author page then)
And now I'm turning 29. Hopefully this year will bring the publishing of two more books and a whole lot of fun!