Saturday, August 10, 2013

House updates

Apparently upset me likes to clean. Makes sense, I guess. Orderly house, orderly mind and all that jazz. While part of me does see cleaning as a totally futile and therefore pointless effort, I still try to keep things tidy. I remind myself that I must model good behavior for K, and it's my job to give her a safe environment. Sure, she thinks it's awesome to have Little People scattered all over the floor like confetti, but when she steps on one it's game over. 

I present to you...My awesome multi-function bookcase created by my dad and one of his summer tutoring students. This was the student's math project. I gave the idea of how I wanted it to look, a description of the height, length and width, and then R was responsible for measuring out all the pieces and putting it together (my dad cut everything).         I think it ended up totally awesome. The bottom holds all of her smaller toys, Little People, cars, animals, etc. The middle section is perfectly sized for her LP structures, and the top is for books and smaller toys. I then have some "catch all" baskets on top.

Her room is finally starting to come together! The gray paint was perfect, as it makes whatever color is touching it pop right out. We're going with a purple theme now and I love it. These were decals I purchased from Amazon and I couldn't be happier. K even helped to put them on! She was so proud of herself :)

My random side project. We used to have all of our dvd's and games on a bookcase, however K thinks it's super fun to throw them all on the floor and/or open all of the cases. No fun for mom. All of this had been sitting in a giant pile for about the last month, and it was driving me crazy. Today I hung the shelves, put up the dvd's, and re-arranged some stuff. Just mentally remove the bag of chips, line level, and bottle of cleaner (vinegar/water)

On to the toy room! K already has wayyy too many stuffed animals, so this is now their home until I can get something better. In here defense, some of these were mine (like that brown camel on the floor, we bought that in Kuwait over 20 years ago!) and I'm pretty sure a few are dog toys that she stole before the dog saw them.

She loves to paint at her new art center. Since this picture I've also added some clothesline to the wall so that we can hang up her masterpieces. Coloring books and art supplies sit in little plastic cups ($1 at Michael's!) and paper is in the white storage drawer below. So far so good with keeping everything fairly contained.

Her new wall of awesomeness. The clothes is all of my favorite NB outfits of hers that I just can't let go of because I'm an emotional packrat. We've had the cubby system set up for a few months now and it has worked wonders. She can easily see, get, and put back all of her toys, and she actually does pretty well with it. The pink bin on the bottom right is the catch-all bin for this room.
Today we added all of the Pooh stickers and she had so much fun helping. I was thrilled because they were on clearance for $2 instead of the regular price of $20!!

Friday, August 9, 2013

A calmer version of me

Okay, so here's the deal. I wrote a post, and then decided against posting it. Now that the craziness has been transferred to a post that will never be published, I can write a more logical one.

I am tired. I am upset. I am so done with picking up the pieces all the damn time. And I'm not doing it anymore. I'm not.

All week my husband has felt like crap because he isn't controlling his diabetes at all and it's wearing him out. I have lost all sympathy for him because he doesn't even try to control it, so as far as I'm concerned, it's his own fault.

But this means he is sleeping ALL THE TIME and that leaves me to pick up the pieces with the kid and the animals and the house and every other thing that needs to be done. I just cannot do it anymore.

As I do, I am making a list. Because everything is better and easier to deal with when in list form, right?

1) Make a list - check!
2) Hang up shelves for Dvds. They are currently stacked on our fireplace top, which is in my direct line of view every time I'm downstairs and they are slowly driving me nuts.
3) Do a serious weeding of K's toys and books. Chica has too much stuff, and some of it HAS to go away because I spend too much time picking it up (She does try to help me, but she's 2)
4) Do a serious weeding of all of my stuff. I too have too much stuff and it's slowly suffocating me
5) Take 10 minutes a day to work-out. Even if it's doing jumping jacks, or pushups, or crunches, do something. I feel better when I do something, I just forget that when I don't.