Sorry I haven't been posting much lately! All our home improvement got put on hold thanks to a lack of funds for the bigger projects and lack of time for the smaller ones. I also found out I was pregnant in November which resulted in much napping and not much doing of things! We have been trying to conceive since Sept '09 so it was certainly a long and emotional journey.
It was a very rough first trimester but I spare you the details. Long story short I was at the ER twice for threatened miscarriage and fainted once in the grocery store. Absolutely no lifting over 10 pounds, pushing heavy objects, or over-exerting myself. At work I was totally "that" pregnant lady who basically sat at the desk the entire time and called out frequently for spontaneous doctor visits and came in late because of the extreme exhaustion/morning sickness.

Now we are just under 5 months and feeling a ton better. Hopefully whatever was causing the issues has subsided and on Feb 11th we got to see our beautiful baby girl (eeee!) through the ultrasound. That was one of the coolest experiences ever. She was rolling around, waving at us, rubbing her eyes, and at one point stuck her little feet right in front of the camera. The doctor is 99% that the baby is girl but since this was our only planned ultrasound throughout the pregnancy there is always the chance that we will get a surprise.
(In picture the head is to the right side, then the belly, then the legs are curled up towards the chest. The straight white line on the left top is the leg bone (how weird is that) and the little
bubble looking white lights on the right side (above the head) are actually her curled up hands rubbing her eyes.)
Here's her face, just because I love looking at pictures. It's so incredible to think she was only 5 ounces and about 5" long when these were taken. The top of the head is to the right side and her profile is facing up and slightly away from the camera. The white above her head is her hand (going "no, don't look at me, it's only 8am and far too early)
Now we are getting into full swing of nursery craziness. I'm still not ready to start purchasing but we are trying to get ideas for where we want to go. The current plan is that we are going to move the chinchilla into the green room (which we thought would be the nursery) and use her room as the nursery. It's slightly bigger and will give us a bit more storage space. We probably won't repaint so the honey beige color on the walls will hopefully translate well to a nursery as well.
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