Yay progess! Well, we still haven't been able to get paint on the walls because in the past week my poor husband was hit with an insane tooth ache. He's on antibiotics for two weeks at which point he'll get a cavity filled (1 possible cuplprit) and then if he still has pain he's looking at oral surgery to fix a botched root canal that was done a few years ago. He's also got hydrocodone to keep the pain away which makes him loopy and not feel well, so he's avoiding taking that whenever possible.
We've still managed to get quite a bit done lately though thanks to the help of my parents and having Scott do little jobs here and there. Today Scott and my dad managed to move our monster beast out of the nursery and into the dining room. Hopefully it will eventually get Craigs Listed, but for now it's out of the nursery and that's all I really care about. It really opens up the room and makes it pretty huge which is good.
Above the blue line will be a light rose pink, and below will be an aqua/teal. It should look pretty awesome.
I also got some sweet deals from one of my mom's neighbor friends who is getting rid of her baby stuff. I got a glider chair + ottoman, swing, bouncer, boppy pillow + 3 extra covers, baby gates, and tons of clothes/towels all for $85. Not too shabby!
Today mom and I worked on making covers for the chair to make it a little more me, plus I figure it would be far easier to wash a cover than the actual cushion. The original cushion was just your basic white deal. We made the cushions out of an old sheet of mine that I've held onto for a few years because I love it and can't bear to part with it. Yay for re-using things I love :) There was also enough left over to make a crib skirt so yay for that as well.
I also was able to redo the closet a bit more. The
original shelf and rod design dad helped me with did not work at all once we got some things in the house. I took out one shelf/rod and then cut a hanging organizer from Ikea in half to make two shorter storage areas. I think they will work out pretty darn well.

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