Well, so far so good on my gestational diabetes diet. I haven't had a reading over the limit since the first day which has been encouraging. The testing is not too bad either. In all honesty, the pain is similar to plucking an eyebrow and lasts about as long. Definitely something that I can handle. I've also been hanging out on the "High risk" board on The Bump which has made me realize that having GD is definitely not the end of the world and that there are other things that would have been/could be much much worse.
The only problem with my diet is that I am not gaining weight. As of Thursday I have not gained a single pound in the last month and actually lost 2. My dietician says that is perfectly normal as my body adjusts to a diet that is easier to metabolize, has less fat, and is healthier so hopefully I will start gaining again once I'm done adjusting.
Today is also our 2 year wedding anniversary! It's hard to believe for both of us. Our anniversary feels like two things. The first emotion is "holy crap, it's been 2 years? That's so long!" Yet at the same time I can't seem to remember ever not having Scott in my life or being married to him.
Here are some fun wedding pictures :)

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