One week later and we are doing great! Kaylee hasn't lost too much weight (typical for babies) and I'm slowly feeling more human. The stitches itch and I still can't move too quickly but at least I can get up and down the stairs now, take showers, and do some laundry.
Kaylee bug is just the cutest thing I've ever seen, and yes I know I am biased. It's so hard for me to do the whole "sleep when the baby sleeps" thing because I'd rather be tired and just stare at her all day long. It still amazes me to think that I have a daughter and that she is actually here and in my arms.
Here are some 1 week product reviews!
Pampers Swaddlers NB - Awesome! She's actually so small I have to fold the waist down though, even with the cord cut-out design. So far they have held in an incredible amount of mess without any leaks so I'm pretty happy.
Fisher Price Rock N Play Sleeper - This thing is a sanity saver. Right now it's doing double duty as her bed (she HATES the PnP but is getting better) as well as a place for her to be while I use the restroom (it's a long process due to war zone known as my nether regions).
Wrap onesies - Ok, these were actually given to me by a friend and I haven't been able to find them anywhere, but they are incredible and I highly suggest any parent of a newborn get them if you can find them. They are so much easier to deal with, adorable beyond belief, and easier/quicker to put on than other snap/zipper style clothes. Since Kaylee currently thinks diaper changes, baths, and changing clothes is a legal form of torture, quicker/easier is definitely a good thing.
Snug a Bunny swing - Also a happy thing. She's only used it twice but she seemed to really like it and was content staring at the world while she swung side to side.
Lansinoh nipple cream - Happiness because holy crap are they sore. Cluster feeding is not nice on mom's body!
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