She helped us move by providing quality inspection of all the boxes prior to them being filled with objects. She is also my baby and has fully commmitted me to being the crazy cat lady.
Today was a Demon day. She is not feeling well at all so we got to take a fun trip to the vet. I called the vet we take Katie vet in the office after noon. Ok, call the next number on googles list, no vet in the office after noon, the next is not open Wednesdays period. The emergency vet can't fit her in until after 6 (it was 1 when I was calling) due to the amount of emergencies today.
Did I miss something? Is today "Vet vacation Wednesday" or something.
I finally find a vet a few towns open who is available and has a spot for Demon to come in at 2:30. Finally!
I pop her in the car and we head on over. For being a small town vet the facility at Roseville Vet Clinic is outstanding! The receptionist is really nice and Howie the pet cockatiel made for interesting entertainment. I think we were there a whole 1 minute before being escorted to the examination room. Demon's temperature, gums and heart were all fine. They did a GI examination and found nothing impacting there to cause her symptoms and the fecal was clean.
Final diagnosis? Possible food poisoning from a bad can of wet food resulting in vomiting and diarrhea. She was sent home with some medicine to get her stomach/intestines feeling better and she gets to eat turkey meat for the next few days.
Now the fun part starts. Have you ever tried to medicate a cat before? Yeah, it's not pretty. Add to that the fact that she does not eat human food at all, with the exception of tuna. No joke. I have tried giving her pieces of chicken and beef before because she is always interested in what I am cooking. She wants absolutely nothing to do with it. I purchased some ground turkey in the hopes I can mash it into a bit of a pate and maybe she'll be tricked into thinking it's really delicious wet food.
Then again, she's on a 24 hour fast, so by tomorrow morning she may be happy just to have anything to eat!
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