I'm discouraged. Really discouraged. After the first week I was running high. I changed the whole laundry room. I hauled a changing table around our house (including stairs). I painted a room by myself. I reorganized Kaylee's clothes and put everything in the closet. What reaction did I get from my husband?
"Let's see how long this lasts"...*crickets chirping*....wtf dude? So my motivation took a huge nose-dive and I can't seem to get it back. I know that I need to do this for myself and for my daughter, but when I can't even get a "good job" from my husband it is hard.
Add to this that Kaylee is cutting her top teeth and it is TORTURE for both of us. She was never the best sleeper, but we are on night 4 of waking up every 1-2 hours and I am dying. I am so tired that it also amplifies every other emotion I have.
Like how I'm so sick of cleaning. It never ends, ever, ever ever. No matter how much I clean the kitchen it just gets dirty again. There is always laundry, toys to pick up, hair to vacuum, beds to make, etc. etc. Now the logical part of me knows that yes, this is life, so suck it up buttercup, but the "I'm so tired I can't think straight" part of me just wants to have a 4 hour period where the laundry is done, the kitchen is clean, everything is fed, and there is nothing I HAVE to do.
Now...time to focus on the positives, and share the pictures I have taken (doh, camera battery died, will update that in a little bit).
1) Omg my baby turns 1 this month! She is walking about 75% of the time when she wants to get around, waving byebye, and blowing kisses. She can climb anything put in front of her and, thank goodness, is starting to figure out how to get down from things as well.
She also loves swimming and starts official swim lessons next week!
She does not like when I clean
But she likes to pick out her own clothes now that they are in her closet
2) The laundry room is still clean!
3) Did you know my closet has a floor? It's true. It's not necessarily organized, but it's better.
4) Ditto office. Not great, definitely not where I want it to be, but better. Any progress is progress and it will get done eventually.
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