Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Cleaning week 3

I'm back on track and having a much more productive time. I've been doing little things that make big changes, like hanging up my measuring tools. 

It seems silly but having the space right there encourages me to clean them immediately and put them away. 

I also totally re-did out lower entry way space with some stackables we had other places in the house.

The top has a loose change jar. We (Me, Scott, Kaylee) each have a basket to toss our stuff as we come inside. Name tags, wallets, pacifiers, etc. It has made a huge difference. I am moving a key hanger over there soon. as well

Back in the laundry room a moment, where I bought a hanger from Wal-Mart for the ironing stuff so it has a home.

I hung up some pictures in Bug's playroom. Now I can stop tripping over them all the time.

Here's what the kiddo was doing while I did all of this.

At least she has figured out how to get down by herself...most of the time.

I also spent more time in the office.

And after she hit the doorframe so hard she dented hher head and freaked me out (she's fine now) I nailed a pillow to the door frame.

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