My baby is 1! We had a blast at her party and did her first professional photoshoot. She refused to smile for the camera but we got some adorable serious shots, as well as some goofy moments. Her party was an incredible time and toddler invasion. All told we had 18 adults, a 6 year old, 4 year old, 3 year old, two 15 month olds, Kaylee, and a 7 month old. Yeep!
I've also been having fun making photo collages of me. Such as this one. Me on July 29th, 2011 and me July 19th, 2012.
I've also been cleaning like mad, although I still can't really see the results. What I can see is the clutter slowly going away as I've been donating items like a crazy lady.
The party pic of all them in their chairs is TOO CUTE!