Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Top 10 Mantras for a new life

Top 10 Mantras to begin my new life 

Okay, so first I feel like I need to put in a disclaimer so no one panics or calls CPS or something. I have no intention (zero, nada,, zilch) of actually leaving my family and starting a new life. My new life starts within, and will soon encompass everyone who is in my current life, and maybe are being dragged through the muck with me.

1) Let it go, and let it be. – I dwell on things hardcore. It’s not healthy and it’s not helpful. I will let things go and let the past be, while taking those lessons and using them in a positive manner

2) The past is the past, I cannot change it. – Basic, but true. I will go over a past event in my head a thousand times, each time getting more depressed/angry/upset. Does this accomplish anything? No, it does not. I will acknowledge my mistakes or disappointments, and then I will move on.

3) I relinquish un-met expectations – Did I mention I dwell on the past? I think I actually get more angry about things I wanted to happen, but didn’t, than I do about things that actually happened.

4) I will do the best I can – What more can you ask for than that?

5) I will accept that doing the best I can, may not equal perfection – Because that’s what "the best" is in my my head. My best no longer has to be perfect, and expecting perfection is setting myself up for disappointment.

6) I am thankful for what I have – I have a lot to be thankful for. I have a wonderful family, a beautiful house, stable finances, and everything my family needs to go about our day to day lives.

7) No time, no whine – This applies to so much. In fact, this was the mantra that allowed me to lose 20 pounds fairly painlessly. I will not whine about my weight unless I am putting in the time to work out and eat healthily. I will not whine about how messy my house is unless I am putting in the time to clean it.

8) I trust in the universe – I’m working on this one. Some day’s it is very hard though.

9) I am who I chose to be – This is a hard one to stomach. I cannot change the actions, thoughts, or attitudes of other but I can control my actions, thoughts, and attitude.

10) I am worth it – I may not believe this one yet, but I will.

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