Sunday, June 5, 2011


Really? A month since my last post? I need to get on that!

It's been an insanely busy month though. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! Here's a quick run-down of the last month, then I'll do some posts on what's going on in more detail.

Gestation Diabetes - The new diet has done some great great things. I had 2 high readings the first month and was able to pinpoint it to a specific food, so my doctor has dropped me down to a fasting test and then rotate testing with meals. So I only have to test twice a day now! Ah fingers and my bank account thank you. Diabetes testing materials are not cheap, even with insurance. She also does not have me schedule for any additional tests and said that right now I'm healthier than a "regular" pregnant patient so there is no need to be worried about being high risk anymore.

Nursery - 99% done. Still some decorations to hang and paint to touch up (come on husband of mine!) but it's ready for the baby. At this point the only one who would notice the little things would be me, and something tells me I'm not going to have enough energy to notice them once the Berry joins us.

Speaking of the Berry - Holy crap we have 6 weeks until her due date! When the heck did that happen? Next week we're going to install the carseat in my car and go buy the rest of the needed items. We may also do a few more hospital practice runs so that H feels more comfortable with getting there when the time comes. Something tells me we're going to be calling mom to act as a navigator...

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