Saturday, June 11, 2011

Why so negative?

I've noticed that everyone is crazy negative when it comes to pregnant ladies and new moms. Not in a "you suck" or outwardly mean way, but in the small comments that they probably think are funny but really are not.

For example:

"Well, I have an announcement. I'm pregnant!"
"Good luck with that! I was so miserable when I was pregnant. I would never do it again!"

Or when someone announces they are having twins
"Omg two babies? You are going to die!"

Or told to a coworker who has 2 under 2 (second was not planned)
"Two under two? I feel so bad for you. I just don't see how you can possibly cope."

Not exactly things that a person wants to hear if they are already stressed out or anxious about the pregnancy or being a new parent. Why can't people just go "Wow, congratulations! You will be such a great mom" or "Two under two? That's twice the cute baby toes!" or something just a little more positive.

My other rant of the day: Things you should never say to pregnant people

1) Wow, you look huge! (Gee thanks.)
2) Wow, you are so tiny! (holy crap does that mean the baby isn't growing?)
3) Enjoy your sleep now because once the baby is born you won't get any! (Great...I'm already getting up 4 times a night to pee and not sleeping more than 2 hours at a time)
4) Babies are hard work! (no shit Sherlock)
5) Babies are expensive! (again, really? I had no clue...)

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