Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Enough of a pity party

Alright, I've given myself a few weeks of hemming and hawing and "poor me"ing and decided I was done. Granted my husband hasn't moved stores yet, so it may return, but I now have a plan!

The reality of the situation is just this - My husband will be out of the house from 6am until 7 or 8pm. This means I am in charge of the baby from 6am (when I will figure out someway to entertain her while I pump/get ready for work if she wakes up) until 8pm (when she goes to bed). This means I now have to take care of making dinner, giving her baths, and taking care of the animals. While this sucks and I still feel my heart race and my head goes "And just how exactly do you plan on doing all of this?", that's just the way it is.

Here is what is going to get me through this without needing a padded room (although that could be quite fun)

1) Infancy will not last forever. Soon enough Kaylee will wean herself (5 monthish until she's 1 year old!) and then mornings will not be bad. I may even be able to cut down to a 15 minute pump session instead of 30 or maybe drop it altogether, we'll see.

2) My job will be over in 15 weeks. Well, hopefully not over, but I will be out of work for the summer. Scott being at a far away store is fine if I am able to be at home, because I will then have from 8am (Kaylee's official wake-up time) until 10pm (when I go to bed) to get everything done, instead of 6pm -10pm (when I get home from work - go to bed).

3) I can cook dinner. Really, I can. The difference is I am a cook, whereas my husband is a chef. But you know, every meal doesn't have to be fancy. We may be eating chicken and rice some nights, or some old fashioned mac and cheese, but that's still dinner.

4) Prepping dinner on the weekend. This is going to be my saving grace. I tried it this weekend and it lowered my stress level by 50%, even though Kaylee and I are fighting a cold. I chopped everything that needed to be chopped for my planned meals and put them in tupperware containers, then stacked the containers into meal groups. Sooo much easier.

5) I will ask for help and not consider it failure. Yes, I am one of "those" moms. For me, asking for help equates to me saying "Hi, I suck and can't do this, so could you please do this for me?" Now I know in my head that me asking my husband to change K's diaper in the morning while I pack the car is not me failing, but that little voice still tells me that it is. I just need to get over that and say "Hey honey, can you do this."

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